Treatment of prostatitis with modern methods

Any disease affecting the prostate gland requires immediate treatment. If a man neglects this recommendation, then very soon the inflammatory process present in his prostate will become chronic. Modern treatment of prostatitis allows you to avoid such troubles. Doctors have developed effective methods that help to forget about this unpleasant disease.

Comprehensive treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland

The choice of one or another method of prostatitis treatment depends directly on its form and the severity of the course. In both acute and chronic lesions of the prostate gland, the first step is to remove the inflammatory process. Treatment of prostatitis in men is usually carried out in combination. Such therapy includes a number of mandatory activities:

  1. Taking medications. These can be hormonal pills, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. Reception of fortified preparations;
  3. Taking immunomodulating agents;
  4. Participating in prostate massage sessions. The procedure is performed through the rectum. With the help of massage therapy, it is possible to solve the problem of stagnant processes in the abdominal cavity;
  5. Application of modern methods of physiotherapeutic treatment;
  6. Performing physical therapy.
herbal tea for prostatitis

Medicines prepared according to traditional medicine recipes are allowed to be used in the treatment of prostatitis. In particularly severe cases, patients are prescribed surgical intervention. But this happens only in extreme situations, when the most conservative methods do not give a positive result.

Features of drug therapy

Modern methods of prostatitis treatment necessarily include the use of drug therapy. It consists in taking drugs belonging to different groups. Together, these tools can achieve a significant improvement in health.

How to cure prostatitis with drugs? With inflammation of the prostate gland, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Antibiotics. Prostatitis in most cases is caused by pathogenic flora, which for some reason enters the male genitourinary system. In this case, it will not be possible to recover without the use of antibacterial agents. These drugs are prescribed only after the doctor receives confirmation of the presence in the patient's body of pathogens of the inflammatory process in the prostate;
  • Blockers of alpha-adrenergic receptors. Drug therapy should not only relieve the inflammatory process from the affected organ, but also relax the muscles of the urethra and bladder, which are in constant tension due to the disease. For this reason, patients experience pain during urination. The appointment of such blockers is among the modern methods of treatment that have already managed to prove themselves on the good side;
  • Nonsteroidal drugs. These funds are mandatory in the treatment of prostatitis. With their help, it is possible to quickly stop the painful symptoms and reduce the spread of the disease. It is recommended to take modern drugs of this group together with antimicrobial drugs;
  • Other drugs. In addition, the patient is prescribed drugs that significantly improve the functioning of the veins located in the small pelvis. Due to this, stagnant processes in the genitourinary system are reduced. Also, taking medications that normalize capillary permeability will not interfere.

In some cases, drug therapy includes hormonal agents. With their help, you can treat patients who have an increased level of estrogen in the blood.

Prostate massage

Modern treatment of chronic prostatitis is not complete without visiting massage therapy. It is also used in other inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Massage can speed healing. There are several options for such treatment. Most often, palpation of the prostate and exposure to it with special devices that emit magnetic waves are used.

Massage, in which the main effect is on a gland such as the prostate, is considered the most effective method for treating the reproductive system. With it, you can eliminate stagnant processes in the small pelvis, improve blood circulation and significantly reduce the spread of inflammation. Also during the massage it is possible to remove the secretion and pus accumulated in the gland.

Physiotherapy for prostatitis

Not only drugs for the treatment of prostatitis give a good result. It is possible to achieve relief from the condition of a patient with such a diagnosis by undergoing physiotherapy. The most practiced methods to influence the affected gland are:

  • Magnetotherapy. This procedure is widely used. It involves exposing disease-damaged prostate tissue to a magnetic field. Due to this, the disturbed flow of lymph and blood is restored. It also improves the absorption of active substances that enter the patient's body during treatment with the means prescribed by the doctor;
  • laser therapy. During the procedure, the affected organs are exposed to laser radiation. Thanks to it, it turns out to quickly reduce the number of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Also, due to such therapy, it is possible to activate tissue regeneration and restore damaged blood circulation;
  • microwave Another type of therapy, which involves the effect of heat on tissues. Using this method, it is possible to restore cells by accelerating their regeneration. After the procedure, the severity of painful symptoms decreases and the body begins to respond better to prostatitis medications.

This is not the whole list of existing methods that help in the treatment of prostatitis. In methods aimed at combating inflammation of the prostate gland, the use of acupuncture, therapeutic wraps and herbal medicines is also allowed.

acupuncture for prostatitis

Additional treatments for prostatitis

Many patients who want to get rid of prostatitis as soon as possible prefer the following methods of treating the disease:

  • Acupuncture. This method is widely used in oriental medicine. During the procedure, the specialist acts on biologically active points in the patient's body. All this allows you to normalize blood circulation in the prostate area, which was disturbed by the developing disease;
  • Introduction of stem cells. This is new in the treatment of prostate inflammation. The stem cells inserted into the patient's body reach exactly the part that needs immediate help. There they begin to actively divide and transform into healthy prostate tissue;
  • Hirudotherapy. This method involves the use of medicinal leeches. With their help, it is possible to improve the microcirculation of biological fluids in the patient's body, reduce swelling of the gland and thin the blood. With prostatitis, it is customary to put leeches in the area where the anus is located;
  • Vacuum therapy. The procedure requires a special device. It is installed on a man's penis. It is the one that acts on the body, forcing it to acquire the desired stiffness. With the help of such therapy, an improvement of the patient's erectile abilities is achieved and blood circulation in the pelvic organs is restored;
  • Ozone therapy. Another effective way to deal with chronic prostatitis. During the procedure, a healing liquid enriched with ozone is introduced through the rectum into the patient's body. Usually, for such cases, a special saline solution is used. Ozone therapy helps restore the regeneration of diseased cells. It also has a bactericidal effect.

The latest methods of prostatitis treatment allow several times to speed up the recovery process of a patient who has been diagnosed with this disease. Inflammation of the prostate gland turns into a large number of serious problems for a man that negatively affect his condition. The sooner he starts treatment, the more likely he is to return to his usual way of life. In addition, modern therapy aimed at eliminating the signs of prostatitis helps to avoid the occurrence of dangerous complications that can lead to disruption of most organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, the patient will need more serious treatment, including surgery and a long recovery period.